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Architect Data From The Ground Up

Imagine You Had The Data To Make The Right Choices

Manage Operational Data

Ensure there is a "add once, use everywhere" data paradigm being implemented. Using a no-code or low-code solution, have a common data mart. While spreadsheets can be king, they are also hard to maintain and have a poor audit trail. Moving these spreadsheets to data tables allows users to manage data more effectively. Efficiency Studio provides the tools to manage your spreadsheet data more effectively.

Consolidate Applications

A review of your applications to ensure that the most efficiencies are being gained as data passes from one application to the next for volumetrics. Do you have applications that are underutilized? Are you paying for the whole application? Can a custom solution be built with little effort? That is our goal to highlight application inefficiencies and how Efficiency Studio will work for you to provide application efficiencies.

Intuitive and Smart Reporting

With all data in the right place, proper Scorecards and Key Performance Indicator Reporting is very achievable with the right tools. This may be where the power of Excel comes to play. Or perhaps using a Power BI suite of reports to provide summary reports, export data for other systems like Production Accounting and Petrinex, and maybe provide the proper controls summaries for the Enhanced Production Audit Program.

Our Expertise

Information Systems

  • Application Development

  • Database development with Oracle and SQL Servier

  • .Net development

Field Accounting

  • FDC systems

  • Chart integration & scanning

  • SCADA systems

  • Daily facility balance

  • Shrinkage calculations

  • Plant yields


  • Flow computers

  • Virtual flow computers

  • Measurement schematics


  • EPAP controls

  • Regulatory exemptions

  • Regulatory liason

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